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The Concept of Time

How Do We Perceive the Most Comprehensive Thing in the Universe?
| Cevdet Selim | Issue 161 (Sep - Oct 2024)

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The Concept of Time

In This Article

  • Questions about time have sparked philosophical debates, inspired scientific investigations, and fueled artistic and cultural expressions throughout history.
  • The question of how time began or whether it had a specific start is still an area of active research and speculation in cosmology and theoretical physics. In the context of the universe, the scientific discussions on the start of time are closely related to the concept of the origin of the universe itself.
  • The main question physicists study is whether time is a reality or an illusion. Time is commonly regarded as a fundamental concept, existing independently and not composed of or reliant on anything else.

Throughout the history of humanity, one of the things we have found difficult to comprehend and unravel is undoubtedly the concept of time. On one hand, it appears to flow inexorably and irreversibly, intertwined with everything, exhibiting a certain continuity that encompasses life itself, and connecting to all things. Thus, time is the most comprehensive thing in the entirety of the universe, bearing witness to all changes in the cosmos, currently witnessing, and destined to witness, and touching everything, playing a role in their existence. On the other hand, being an abstract concept, ...

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