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Editorial: From Taj Mahal to Gregor Samsa

| The Fountain | Issue 161 (Sep - Oct 2024)

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Editorial (Issue 161): From Taj Mahal to Gregor Samsa
The adage goes that the humankind can go up, even higher than angels, and they can go low, even lower than beasts. This is an extremely broad range, and we are created with the potential to “excel” in both directions. One can see the height of excellence the humankind can reach in beauty, art, and spirituality in, for instance, Taj Mahal, and ugliness, distaste, and moral decay in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. Looking at the first, one is enchanted with the harmony in every detail of the monument, while encouraged to contemplate on an eternal life hoping to meet with the loved ones. Looking at...

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